Living Within Your New Call

Discovering Vocational Joy in Retirement.

Beacon Hill Friends House is piloting a Vocational Discernment peer retreat offered specifically for “Seeking Seniors” who are exploring how they are now called in this distinctive time of life. 

As older adults, we each need space to discern how we are now personally called to “be” in our world. With changing priorities, how can we each now best use our gifts, talents and abilities to find new means of personal fulfillment? How can we continue to enrich society from our availability, experience and wisdom? What new paths, new purposes, new joys might yet be discovered?  

The BHFH Vocational Discernment Program uses Quaker practice and reflection to help people explore exactly these things: How to remain useful in the world by best using one’s seasoned skills, gifts, and leadings. How to discern your right next step! 

Two-Session Workshop

  • Session 1 Monday, September 23rd 2pm-6pm

  • Session 2 Tuesday, September 24th 2-6pm

331 Lower Dolington Road, Newtown, PA

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