Monthly Health Topics Blog
Welcome to our blog, created by our Resident Services Team! Here, we write about different health topics each month to help bring awareness and advice to keep our residents happy and healthy!

National Kidney Month
This March, learn about National Kidney Month & World Kidney Day, and bring awareness to the importance of kidney health and signs of kidney disease.

Heart Health Month
In the month of love, learn how to recognize signs of heart disease and how to keep your heart healthy!

International Quality of Life Month
Happy New Year! Take an opportunity to learn about International Quality of Life Month and consider how to incorporate it into your life in the new year as a resolution!

National Influenza Vaccination Week
December 2nd - 6th is National Influenza Vaccine Week!

American Diabetes Month
November is National Diabetes Month, a time when communities across the country seek to bring attention to diabetes. November 14th is also World Diabetes Day - the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign.

Ageism Awareness Day
October 9th is Ageism Awareness Day. Ageism shows up in all kinds of ways in our day to day lives.

Healthy Aging Month
It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially as you age.

National Grief Awareness Day
National Grief Awareness Day is August 30th. Here is some information and tips on handling grief.

Dehydration Prevention
What are some ways older adults can prevent dehydration during the summer months?